Tuesday, July 15, 2008

For many of you, believe that Colombia is so much different that irresponsible newspapers and magazines have been publishing for many years, is simply impossible.

In Colombia we have a lot of problems and we are working really hard for solve them, but the most important thing is show to everybody that my country is growing, that day after day is easier and safer travel around it than before, that Colombians like me can study and develop our abilities near people and places that we love, and nowadays, maybe, that is the best option for us if we do not want to miss the historic moment of our country.

I owe everything to my country. For that reason I am going to return there and I will continue working with my people for the new Colombia.

During this activity I tried to show you my authentic country, I know that is too difficult changing our paradigms about people and places, but if you want to corroborate my affirmations, I can help you giving you more information about my country, and offering you advice about how to do for visit us.

Thanks a lot for your time and your attention. COLOMBIA will be grateful for it.

For more information, please contact me.

Or watch Colombia is passion (english version) video in youtube

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What makes Colombia so distinctive?

There are some things that are uniquely Colombian but, in truth, there is not single element that defines the country. It is a blend of many different ingredients.

From stunning cities to breathtaking sceneries, haunting history, wonderful festivals and warm friendly people, Colombia is all these and more. It is a proud and passionate place with an impressive heritage, a vibrant culture with distinctive identity.

If you go to Colombia, you are going to find cities with different cultural spirits. For instance, Bogotá Cosmopolitan Capital City, Cartagena with elegant architecture and beaches, and my hometown, Mompox World Heritage site (UN).

Walk along any street and you are going to find excellent and cheap restaurants offering typical or international food. Whichever you choose, you can be sure of taste and enjoy exquisite food and a friendly and warm welcome.

Nature is never far away in Colombia. Inside my country you can enjoy majestic landscapes and awesome wild places. Around the coasts you can visit islands and eat the best seafood in the whole world.

In short, wherever you travel, there are lots of cultural options. And remember, travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. For that reason investment in yourself, come to Colombia, we are proud of our cities and our history and we look forward to sharing them with you.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Everybody thinks that speak without telling personal experiences is a lie. In this post I am going to share with you my life in Colombia, and you will see that Colombian people in spite of difficulties have normal life with good regards, dreams, and hopes.

My house
My family has lived in the same house since my parents got married. I lived there until I finished high school. It is a big colonial house with two floors, red roof and huge doors. It is located in Mompox’s main street, just in the corner in front to the City Hall and the Freedom Park. It is painted in green and white, and it is for my friends and I the meeting point every night during our vacations.

My education
I studied elementary, junior high, and high school in my hometown, then I moved to Barranquilla to study at the North University, when I got my law degree I moved to Bogotá D.C. for work reasons and to studied oil and gas law graduate program.

My job
The last two years I was working with one of the supreme courts in Colombia. Also, I set up my own courier business, and I have been learning about farm or agriculture administration with my family.

I do not want to cheat you with unreal stories. For me leaving my country is not mandatory, it is only a good option to improve my background.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I would like to write about my hometown. I was born in Mompox, a little town on the Caribbean Offshore of Colombia, on a left bank of the Magdalena River. My town is really famous for its colonial architecture and for the articles of gold and silver that craftsmen have made during the last five centuries. Also, we have the most beautiful holy week in Colombia, and year after year Momposinos Nazarenes like me fall upon our shoulders images made on wood that dramatize or stage Jesus Christ’s passion and death.

Many journalists and historians have written about Mompox. They have said that my town is a lost city in the time because even in these days the tourisms can walk around, ride a bicycle or make ecotourism without risks. Maybe, that happen because Mompox is the biggest island inside my country, and we only have one way to go and leave the city that is the river.

If you go to Mompox, you should visit the churches, the squares, the Cultural House, the Golden Museum, the cemetery. Likewise, you have to taste our typical food and take a walk for the street near to the river.

“Mompox doesn't exist, we sometimes dream about it, but it doesn't exist.”
Gabriel García Márquez.
Literature Nobel Prize Winner, 1982.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Country

Many people have been listening some things that are not true about my Country, but they do not know Colombia’s real face. Certainly, we have a lot of trouble, but we are working for solve them.

On the other hand, we are more than drugs and guerrilla. We are hard-working, resourceful, creative, striving, persistent people endowed with many values and attributes, that live in the most charming place in the whole world. We have hidden treasures like music, food, customs, towns, beaches, and islands.

Colombia is a country that dreams of showing its true face to the world. The true Colombia is a country full of colors, tastes, beautiful cities, and landscapes, so varied you cannot imagine.

Also, we are millions of people who await you with open arms a lot of passion in the hearts.

We only have one form to show you our treasure. What are you waiting for visit us?

You should get involved helping us to break unreal paradigms about our country. Your help is essential.

My challenge is to show Colombia as a country of opportunities for tourism, trade, and investment. For that reason, I decided create this blog, and week after week, I am going to share with you some of the most beautiful experiences that I have lived in my country.
You are very welcome.