Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Country

Many people have been listening some things that are not true about my Country, but they do not know Colombia’s real face. Certainly, we have a lot of trouble, but we are working for solve them.

On the other hand, we are more than drugs and guerrilla. We are hard-working, resourceful, creative, striving, persistent people endowed with many values and attributes, that live in the most charming place in the whole world. We have hidden treasures like music, food, customs, towns, beaches, and islands.

Colombia is a country that dreams of showing its true face to the world. The true Colombia is a country full of colors, tastes, beautiful cities, and landscapes, so varied you cannot imagine.

Also, we are millions of people who await you with open arms a lot of passion in the hearts.

We only have one form to show you our treasure. What are you waiting for visit us?

You should get involved helping us to break unreal paradigms about our country. Your help is essential.

My challenge is to show Colombia as a country of opportunities for tourism, trade, and investment. For that reason, I decided create this blog, and week after week, I am going to share with you some of the most beautiful experiences that I have lived in my country.


emi said...

Hi Marco! Your country is very very beautiful! I've seen Colombia picture first time. How big is this? How many people live in there? I'm intersted in you country!

Ra'ed said...

Hi Marco
nice blog. Thank you for writing for us about your

and I am sorry I gave you the wrong blog address
this is my address zamoh